1. Introduction

Panaeolus is a library with an editor that enables straightforward real-time pattern making with Csound.

2. PanaeolusEditor Installation

2.1. Windows

You may need to install:

2.2. MacOs

You’re going to need jack audio connection kit, but as of this writing DO NOT install it from the package manager Brew.

Copy the jack2 binary from here: http://jackaudio.org/downloads/

3. Csound and Panaeolus

To connect your Csound instruments and effects to Panaeolus you will need to define them with definst or define-fx respectively. These are macros written in Clojure, so depending on how you use Panaeolus, you may or may not need to import them into your namespace.

3.1. definst

(require '[panaeolus.csound.macros :refer [definst]])
;; or alternatively as part of namespace decleration
(ns my-namespace
  (:require [panaeolus.csound.macros :refer [definst]]))