1. Introduction
Panaeolus is a library with an editor that enables straightforward real-time pattern making with Csound.
2. PanaeolusEditor Installation
2.1. Windows
You may need to install:
Visual C++ redistributeable https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe
2.2. MacOs
You’re going to need jack audio connection kit, but as of this writing DO NOT install it from the package manager Brew.
Copy the jack2 binary from here: http://jackaudio.org/downloads/
3. Csound and Panaeolus
To connect your Csound instruments and effects to Panaeolus you will need to define them with definst
or define-fx
These are macros written in Clojure, so depending on how you use Panaeolus, you may or may not need to import them into your namespace.
3.1. definst
(require '[panaeolus.csound.macros :refer [definst]])
;; or alternatively as part of namespace decleration
(ns my-namespace
(:require [panaeolus.csound.macros :refer [definst]]))